Definitely! We encourage people who have their own businesses to take up our offer of a free Business Success Plan too so that we can help them to achieve the success they are looking for going forward.
The reviews can take as little as half an hour but we will discuss things with you for as long as you need. Planning your future is not something that should be rushed and we are there to do things properly with you.
Once the meeting has been completed we will send you a full report to confirm our discussions. It will outline what you are planning to do and when and will show you the dates that we have diarised for talking to you specifically about those things you want to do.
Finance related solutions do of course feature in our Personal Success Plans but the area’s we cover are as follows;
– Helping you buy a new home
– Helping you to buy additional property such as a buy to let or a second home
– Saving you money on your monthly mortgage costs
– Helping you to get a new car via
– Getting you better value Defaqto 5 star rated Home Insurance
– Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning (including Lasting Powers of Attorney’s)
– Private Healthcare Plans – to either provide you with cover for the first time or get a better terms than your existing policy
– Getting you to think about and planning for your retirement
– Making your money work harder
For some of the solutions above we do this ourselves and for others we will introduce you to trusted third parties who are regulated for that class of business.
In short, yes you do! As a Personal Success Plan client you will not be charged a Broker fee when arranging mortgage finance which will save you up to £500 whilst giving you full access to fully independent financial advice which can potentially save you thousands of pounds during the term of a mortgage.
By helping you to plan ahead and set timeframes on what you want to do we are able to be there at the right time to help you arrange what is required. As a fully independent whole of market broker we are able to obtain the most appropriate solutions and support you every step of the way.
When we arrange finance or other solutions for you we will usually be paid a commission and will always disclose to you what that amount is beforehand. The amount we receive will be built in to the quotations you receive so there is nothing else to pay.
We do not charge for this service as it is our mission to bring planning your financial future to everyone.
The Personal Success Plan is designed to help you take time out of your busy schedule at least once a year to plan ahead. It is very difficult for people to do this usually due to time pressure and so we give you a nudge each year to make sure that you spend some time focusing on yourself.