Uncomplicated free advice on the best invoice finance solution for your business

Businesses that sell to other businesses typically wait up to 60 days between delivering their product or service before getting paid

This can be a major strain on a business as they still have to pay suppliers, rent and wages while waiting to get paid

Invoice finance could be a solution.

It is a structured way of raising finance against trade debtors and here are some of the benefits

  • Can significantly improve cashflow with access to funding within days upon issuing an invoice rather than having to wait for payment
  • Interest charged only on amounts drawn
  • For factoring clients, the responsibility for the administration of the sales ledger and collection of debts is passed to the finance provider
  • Protection against bad debts is an option at an extra cost that ensures payment of up to 90% of the invoice in the event that a customer is unable to settle and pay their invoices

At Capital 8 Finance we can provide you with funding solutions such as

  • Factoring
  • Invoice discounting
  • Spot factoring

You will be surprised at just how effectively a flexible invoice finance arrangement can assist your cash flow and working capital problems

No matter what the age and size of your business we can normally provide a workable and cost effective invoice finance solution to improve the cash flow in to your business at rates often far better than overdraft terms

We offer free and unbiased advice and will tailor an invoice finance solution for clients to meet their exact needs and budget. Our level of service is extremely high which is vital at a time when more and more businesses are finding that they have to look beyond the traditional bank overdraft to satisfy their increasing cash flow needs. We will provide you a view of the entire market – quickly and efficiently and can implement an invoice solution without disruption to the running of your business.