Welcome to our Income Protection page!
When we think about it, everything revolves around our income. Covering our monthly bills, our mortgage, our cars and of course the nice things in life such as our holidays and going out with family and friends.
Yet with so much reliance placed on our income it is very often the one thing that is left uninsured. However, if you were to take it away unexpectedly you would soon see how financially devastating it could be.
At Ela’s Finance we can help you to protect your income against being ill for a long period of time.
As we are independent for insurance products we can look for the most suitable solution at the best price. You will probably be surprised, it very often doesn’t cost as much as people think to provide themselves with valuable protection. A review of your situation can be done by us free of charge so it is worth checking things out in case something unexpected happens.
So don’t delay, contact us today to arrange for your free protection cover check.