Welcome to our Buildings & Contents Insurance page!

Buildings & Contents InsuranceBuildings & Contents Insurance is something that many people have and it is of course a mandatory cover needed to protect your building if you have a mortgage.

When buying cover many people choose their provider on cost. No-one wants to pay more than they need to and this often seems like the right thing to do at the time.

However, when you are making a claim this perception can change – at that time many people then wish that they had chosen their policy based on quality rather than a lower price. This is often because when claims are made Insurance companies will soon let you know what isn’t included which can often leave you feeling vulnerable and in many cases out of pocket.

At Ela’s Finance our approach to this is simple – providing you with high quality Buildings & Contents Insurance at a competitive price. All of the policies we recommend are Defaqto 5 Star rated to ensure that you are buying a policy that will protect the most valuable asset that you are likely to own.

So contact us today for your free Buildings & Contents Insurance quote – we will be happy to help.